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5 Tips for starting or growing the fair trade movement near you!
So you’ve found out about fair trade and fallen in love. Welcome! We’ve been there too. But you’ve realized that there’s not much of a fair trade movement or community near where you live. We’ve been there too! Fair Trade LA was started in a kitchen among five friends who knew the power of fair trade and wanted to see the city change because of it. Since then, we’ve grown to become the largest fair trade city in the US and fourth largest in the world. If we can do it, so can you! Here are some of our best tips and resources for starting or growing the fair trade movement in your area.

Fair Trade Holiday Gift Guide
The holidays are upon us, and with them comes the onslaught of Black Friday deals and cheap sales. But what if we chose to use our purchasing power for good?
Fair trade products ensure that the people behind our gifts are employed in respectful and dignified ways, and that care for the natural world is embedded in every product. When you buy fair trade, you are supporting a different present that leads to a brighter future: one driven by better economic practices, better profits for workers, and operating within the natural limits of our biosphere.

How to Care for the Earth Through Your Closet
As conscious citizens, we aim to make the world a better place through our collective action and purchasing practices. Why not combine your Earth Day and Fashion Revolution commemorations by caring for the Earth through your closet? Here are five ways to care for the planet and garment workers simultaneously.
8.25.2020 - LA City Council voted to become a Fair Trade City

FAIR Package
Are you interested in receiving an ethical + fair trade surprise in the mail every month? Subscribe to our FAIR Package, a monthly subscription that you can order for yourself or a friend!
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Our Vision
Fair Trade LA will establish the widespread sales of Fair Trade products as a viable and ethical choice for improving the lives of global farmers and artisans while enriching the lives of local consumers with quality and sustainable products.
Our Mission
Fair Trade LA educates and inspires consumers to embrace Fair Trade products so global farmers and artisans have the opportunity to earn a fair and sustainable living.